blissrequirescarefulplanning on "Using stickies"
Sometimes when I use a sticky it moves the post to the top of the page, in front of all the other articles (some of which were also stickied) . But sometimes it has no effect.on the post's display..How...
View Articlewhatsforteatonightdear on "Coraline page sub-headings"
Does anyone know what the identifier is in the Coraline theme for the page sub-heading? On my blog it's the line saying 'Food, food...' etc. I want to change the font using typekit but I'm not sure of...
View Articleuniversalgeni on "Inside a post: text in columns?"
How do I do that? In this case it's just for a part of the post - the latter part but it's also nice to know how to for fx. song texts (lyrics)...
View Articlewalts0042 on "Embed HTML code in TAGLINE"
Presently, my tagline (Never Again Will One Generation of Veterans Abandon Another . . . or Each Other!) breaks where it wants to: Never Again Will One Generation of Veterans Abandon Another . . . or...
View Articleorianasmiled on "Holy Grails"
Unversed in the ways of the blogosphere i'd like to extend an invitation to my blog, which you are free to rescind with no offence taken. Ideally, you are a lover of life with a freeflowing curiosity...
View Articlewhurlz on "how to add video and pics..."
since i am new here..i really wanted to work it out...cant find where to look for video and picture support..even on how to apply some widget..hope find some help and answers..
View Articlexanthippe on "image behaviour in Oulipo theme"
i'm using Oulipo on these two themes: (don't use the css upgrade for this theme) (no css upgrade) first of all, i simply love the new theme,...
View Articlejillschafer on "post stuck at the top"
I have an old post that is stuck at the top and each time I post a new one, it goes to the second spot. How do I get the new ones to the top and get that old one moved to its chronological spot? HELP??...
View Articlethepennysaved on "Help! All links take you to front page"
All the links on my blog seem to be taking me to the frontpage. This just started happening within the last day or two. I tried deleting my htaccess and resetting things,...
View Articleatomicgator on "Rapid Fire Rich and dinosaur riding Jesus"
today on the blog, come by for some Friday fun
View Articleconhainey on "New Blogger: Networking to Save Your Life"
Hi there!, I am new to this site and have just wrote and published my first blog ( Networking to Save Your Life ) here at I am looking forward to meeting all who embrace me with open...
View Articlebuyza on "Help with mapping readers"
I found an old topic of this, but it only gave me limited help! I'd like to be able to see where my readers are coming from (Like google analytics) and found here that you can use something like...
View Articleartprop on "wierd quantity of adsense ads from"
I just moved over to looking at my blogs from a different browser (Opera) at which I was not logged on to Every page I look at has an advert on it. What's more they are massive, in the...
View Article13emi on "probleme cu autintificare"
Nu stiu ce sa intimpla dupa ce un urser sa autentificat pe blogul meu dupa un timp iar se cere autentificarea si nu se mai recunoaste parola .Cu toate ca are acesi parola de mult timp.Eu nu stiu de ce...
View Articlefaileddieter on "Account set up but no administrative rights"
Hi I have just opened a WordPress account and would like to select a theme and start blogging, however it doesnt appear that I am an administrator as I do not have the "Appearance" tab nor can I see...
View Articlearempe on "help with blog"
I have just changed over to a dot com. and upgraded for css. (not sure I should have) I am wanting my blog to look somewhat like store- in the fact that my jewelry is on the screen and can add to...
View Articleps2cho on "How to have the theme extend whole resolution?"
Hi guys, I'm not sure what the correct term for this is.... Here is my site: Notice how the main section of the page seems to only have a defined space and all my photos are...
View Articleheatheringemar on "OMG, I think I'm in LOVE!!!"
Please, please, please, please, prettypretty please????? And check out the demo:...
View Articleartisticchic on "Adventures of an Artistic Chic"
I just got off of college’s frontage road and entered the highway of adulthood/womanhood/who-knows-what-else-hood. (heheh) I wanted to create an interactive virtual roadmap of where I’ve been, where I...
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