I am sorry in advance if i don't use the right terminology to describe what I need. I'll try to be as specific as possible.
I want to change the font size and family of the links to all of the static pages and to the blog. When I say the links, I mean the top bar in the header for the words "Blog, Bio, Shows, Solo Music, Film Music, Photos, Video, Teaching, Contact, Friends." I want to make them larger and change the font and also it might be nice to know how to edit the spacing between each word as well.
I don't know CSS that well and have been trying for a while to "learn it" by editing existing style sheets through wordpress but it seems like the css editor wordpress.com (vs self hosting, which I also have for another site) is limited and that some features are "behind the scenes" and not editable. Is this feature I am trying to edit something that is editable? This is the K2-Lite theme.
Thank you.