nalsanj on "multi-lingual blog"
hi all i have just started this new blog. i would like to have multi-lingual entries in my blog specifically in english and urdu. some entries might be only in one language and some in both. right now...
View Articlenalsanj on "multi-lingual blog"
hi all i have just started this new blog. i would like to have multi-lingual entries in my blog specifically in english and urdu. some entries might be only in one language and some in both. right now...
View Articlefordomesticgoddessredial on "Twenty Ten Page dropdowns"
Hi everyone, I am a total newbie to this CSS editing marlarky but (quite surprisingly) I have been able to change my theme to 3 columns and increase the size of the header etc. The only thing is I...
View Articleiambramha on "Problem inserting image in a post"
Hello, I am using WP 2.8 with the photoland V1.0 theme (I am making a website to showcase my pictures).I want to insert/add an image to a post. I am able to upload the pictures using the...
View Articleryanjs1 on "I can't change the favicon"
When I try to change it, it shows the old favicon. Is this just a little problem or is it that I'm not allowed to change it.
View Articleafrocajun on "Can't post files.."
Hi i've been trying to post videos and images into my blog but for some reason when i finally 'insert to post' it goes to a blank page and is rendered 'Done', however it still doesn't update on my...
View Articleprecisotantoaproveitarvoce on "Blog so carrega quando estou logado. Porque?"
Editei meu blog, troquei imagens e inseri meu primeiro post. Na visualização ele esta perfeito. Quanto não estou logado ou outras pessoas acessam o blog, aparece a pagina sem post e sem edição. O que...
View Articleunemployedf1 on "No way to find my blog on google"
My blog is tackling a very general topic and therefore it is impossible to find it on google or yahoo. I would take a whole paragraph and put it on google and it still won't find it. What am I supposed...
View Articlechaoz1337 on "Show member list"
Hey guys! I'm looking forward to create a members list to show all my wpmu members on my website. I have looked through several plugins and found some, but none of them really did what I actually...
View Articlemarkel on "Who here likes sharing options?"
We like to share things with our friends. Don't you? Want a better way to let people share the stuff you write on Take a look at a few things that were just added in Settings >...
View Articledavidbouche on "Can't loggin"
I've installed WP3, I've just update to 3.0.1 and I've got a pb on login. I can't login on non-principal website admins. When I try to login with a good username password the login page reload without...
View Articleshane3x on "Sharing Settings"
I noticed a 'Share this' bar was being automatically to the end of all posts and I am sure I've never see this option before (besides not visually noticing it I searched and only founds suggestions...
View Articlemakski on "blavatar / blog picture"
i know what the smallest one is for, but where are the other ones being used?
View Articlebuilderdarren on "Bueno theme - remove comment box completely?"
Hi, I'm using the Bueno theme on this very simple 5 page website and I'd like to remove the comment bar below the page text. As you can see I'm using the...
View Articlejenkline75 on "What am I doing wrong?"
I just recently started my blog and I am loving it. The problem is that no one is reading it except for a few family and friends. I try to come up with catchy titles, use pictures and keep the...
View Articleemmacdo on "Short posts on main page"
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to make my posts appear short on the main page, as just an excerpt. The idea is to then click on them to get the full article and make the homepage a bit more user...
View Articlemyhaitianguys on "New blog moving old blog there"
How do I move my old word press blog info to a new word press blog? Do I have to move one thing at a time?
View Articlestoumi on "Importing Brings Resgistration Page"
I have run into a new issue while importing content to my host (IPower). I was importing each month, one at a time, files were small and easy to manage. I had imported about 5 years of content and when...
View Articleaiyanacadwell on "Change font size and family of menu at the top"
I am sorry in advance if i don't use the right terminology to describe what I need. I'll try to be as specific as possible. I want to change the font size and family of the links to all of the static...
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