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melbournenews on "Dowload century gothic font?"

I believe the Century Gothic font is standard on Mac, but on Windows it is not, except maybe with Office. So will make a good example, but this question applies to any non-native font. I don't believe...

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davidderrick on "Share buttons distorted"

The "Share" buttons (FaceBook, Digg etc) under my posts all appear squashed up and distorted, with word and icon on top of each other. ... I have temporarily disabled the feature, but you can figure...

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pyratus on "Sandbox custom CSS columns overlap text"

Hello all, My WordPress.com blog is www.fat-nurse.com and I have the CSS upgrade. The layout is based on Sandbox with my custom CSS but it has come up that some people who read my blog are seeing the...

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missourizbt on "HTML/code issue"

I am trying to get the photos with captions to line up the way the first few rows do... But when you get down to Dylan, I can't get it to align left, most likely because the row above has a long...

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markrendle on "Multiple blogs on custom domain? (like WP Multisite)"

Is it possible to set up a multisite sort of arrangement on WordPress.com, where I could map the blogs.mycompanyname.co.uk sub-domain to an account, and then have sub-directories with separate blogs...

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illegallyblonde2010 on "how do i change my blog title?"

how do i change my blog title? theres a spelling mistake

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cparente on "Use Qusntcast on WP.com blog?"

Can anyone elaborate on this statement? What exactly does it mean that "Quantcast is built into the blogs" already? <i>The info from Quantcast is richer, because staff have basically built that...

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ljarvile on "How do I remove the share buttons from a page?"

First of all, thanks a million for the sharing buttons, they are amazing. Just a little question: is there a way to include sharing on index page + posts, but not on pages? Thanks!

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dgenie on "Added a new page.php. Don't see it when trying to pick a template"

http://torontointernetmarketingcourse.com Added 2 new page.phps and sidebars. When I am in the Page Edit I want to pick the new template. All it shows me is "Default Templates", "Archives" "Links" How...

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bethpc on "Share Buttons not showing up on page"

I watched the new share buttons video, did everything it told me, and none of the buttons are showing up on my page. I am having the same problem with the Tweet this button... I enabled it but it...

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xtap59 on "I Pledge"

I love to randomly search WordPress blogs to find unique and interesting and hopefully entertaining people. In saying that, I pledge to visit and comment on the first 10 people who reply to this post....

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3delamadrugada on "Change background from main page, but not the rest of pages."

hello, can I change the background from my "home" or post page, but not from the rest of the pages? I´d really like to make something different for the presentation page, and let all the other ones...

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astrangelyisolatedplace on "Default image when hitting the new Facebook...

Hi all, first off great news about the new Facebook share button - i've waited ages for this! However, I have a small problem with it.. When a user hits the Facebook share on one of my posts, the...

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myhaitianguys on "old age moment"

way back when I first set up my blog I was able to but a title under the header. Now I can't remember how I did it. I am using Caroline.

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happyczech on "links"

My blog is http://awalkoffaith.wordpress.com I would like to know if it would be alright to post this link http:// PTAMinistry.com on my website ans a link. What is a plugin and how do you know when it...

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savmoy on "Need to add Privacy Policy link to my footer"

I am using the Twenty Ten theme. I need to add a link (for Privacy Policy) to my footer. Can someone tell me please how to do it? ( I tried to use the footer widgets but I they seem not accept links)....

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trutherfo on "How do I purchase domain mapping?"

We bought the domain name www.tkcaudio.com from godaddy a few years ago. My predecessor figured out how to make it map to tkcaudio.wordpress.com. Recently, our subscription for wordpress domain mapping...

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vermontamta on "Parent page not option under Page Attributes"

When I first set up my static pages initially, the option to make parent pages was available under Pages Attributes. I did not select it at that point. But now I have too many pages and I would like to...

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christiangrblr on "$700 Giveaway"

Okay technically not but in a sense I just saved you 700 big ones! http://tehbigwebtheory.com/2010/08/24/699-photoshop-free/

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marvelleous123 on "Cannot upload images from URLs and don't want to steal"

Hi, I've read other posts about not being able to upload images to my blog by adding an image link from a URL. I would say that 80 percent of my attempts result in a red X instead of the green check....

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