unfortunatefaye on "Selector for Tagline in Mistylook"
Does anyone know what the selector is for the tagline in Mistylook? I'm trying to change the font in Typekit, and I've succeeded in changing everything but the tagline. Selectors already tried: #header...
View Articlegaryp4205 on "Impossible to Post Videos"
This is an On-going issue. First it was You Tube videos (and yeah, I have the latest Adobe Flash) With You Tube copying the embed code from the site would no longer work, nor would the "insert video"...
View Articleshamusoconner on "embedded videos don't show"
most of the videos recently that i've been embedding with youtube haven't been showing up on my post in my browser (latest firefox). I downloaded Chrome, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I have...
View Articlemissmyriad on "Wordpress not working right now?"
I've been trying in vain for the last 30 minutes to post something. Whenever I hit publish or preview, I get an error message that says something like Page Not Found (it's a WordPress error - not a...
View Articlemissmyriad on "Help! My post disappeared after it published"
I was having trouble all night getting my post for today to publish, but then I finally did. I visited my blog and confirmed that it published. All was well. Now it's gone! It just totally disappeared....
View Articledagrawal on "Embedded images don't show in RSS Feed"
I have embedded images on my posts. I can't see images when I subscibe RSS Feed. RSS Feed don't show embedded images on posts. I am viewing RSS Feed on Internet Explorer. Could anyone help me to sort...
View Articlebirdiebird on "is there a way to redirect a "page" click to external site?"
Hi everyone! I'm a self confessed WP noob, so please bear with me whilst I get this question out as concisely as possible. I've had a little play around with both WP.org and WP.com and found that...
View Articleceerad on "Dashboard functionality stunted"
Hey all, I'm having trouble with my Dashboard. It is not loading correctly. All the applets (recent comments, stats, quick press, etc.) on it have been "loading" for hours now. Furthermore when I try...
View Articlemikecraggs on "Zemanta query"
Zemanta isn't showing up in my dashboard (on any of my blogs), so I can't activate it. Any suggestions? Am I jumping the gun here? Has it not been fully implemented yet?...
View Articlelselwd on "How develop the html richtext formated textarea, for my web site's...
How develop the html richtext formated textarea, for my web site's contact us webform?
View Articleneilhind on "Blog not appearing on home page - time delay?"
Very new to this and appreciated new newbie help. I have created 2 blogs and expected them to both appear on the home page. They are both there in the "recent posts" frame. Is there a delay before...
View Articletanyatyler on "The Tweet Button"
Hi, I added the new "tweet me" button to my blog. I thought it would have the birdie icon somewhere on it or say Twitter but it doesn't. Did I do something wrong? Please help. Thanks
View Articlesuperjanne on "How to make this design?"
hello! I am going to go over to WordPressblog again but i need to now this. Is there anyone here who now the css/HTML to make a blogtheme like this: http://trianablog.com/ Please help needed :) janne...
View Articlebrcohen on "left wordpress, how do i get my domain name to point to...
i hope the title says most of it. i am pretty close to a novice with this stuff. i bought my domain name from wordpress earlier this year, but just recently transferred it to another place, so it is...
View Articletremaine1 on "Can Word Press Handle This Type of Page?"
Is it possible to implement this type of page on WordPress.com? http://www.bigtornadocountry.blogspot.com/ As you can see, this page has numerous larger graphics that are simply "on the page". That is,...
View Articlestaceywilson on "main wordpress site search bar not appearing"
I noticed today that the little search box in the grey bar above my blog is no longer there. Is this a user wide change or something I switched off. Mind you, I am not talking about a search box on my...
View Articlesarahbaram on "How to Get a Job"
Maybe, and a bit more personal. Of course. http://sarahbaram.wordpress.com/2010/08/17/how-to-get-a-job/
View Articleshimworld on "Possibility of animating JPEGs?"
Hi, I have a series before and after JPEG images that capture photographers firing their flash. They're really cool. As Flash, Java Script aren't allowed, I tried animated GIF but its 256-colour limit...
View Articledenisesdish on "Attachment images cut off"
Halluke helped me change the content/sidebar widths in Modularity Lite recently (which worked perfectly, thank you!). But now I've noticed that my attachment page images are being cut off and I'm not...
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