thestorygurl on "a few fun stories"
Hi! I would really appreciate some feedback on my stories - good or bad. I'm a new blog, so I don't have a lot, but I will write more soon...
View Articleverybeanie on "How can I restore my "home" page?"
My Home page diappeared on me. I don't know how to restore it back. Please help me if somebody knows the solution. The home page only show up for one second then it becomes blank. I only have "about"...
View Articlerockbrat on "Adding another blog to mine"
I have two separate blogs and was wondering how I go about combining them - it would make things a lot easier. I can see how I add a new blog, but not an existing one...
View Articlepjcroad on "How do I delete my blog?"
No this is not a repeat post as all the answers seem to be outdated as I can't do it the way suggested - for example, going to settings and delete blog - no actual 'delete blog' option under 'settings'
View Articleameyabadwe on "Useful Sites"
Hi! These 2 sites have lots of latest news articles from many different sites that are useful to learn more about Economics and Geography. Furthermore, you can see the links between Geography and...
View Articlejoolsstone on "Blogging contest help politely reqd"
Hi bloggers I'm a finalist in a travel blogging contest and wonder if I can ask for your help please? If you like my take on train travel and slow travel you might like to vote for me on the link...
View Articlelightningkroq on "Request to purchase or transfer ownership of parked...
I own a company called Western Division and noticed that has been registered but has not been used. It appears to be parked. How can I contact the owner to request a...
View Articlepropahyfyve on "User story and photo submission"
I am looking for a plugin that would allow users to make a small write up and post an image or two and it would make sort of a list on pages, kind of like a little community thing. Does anyone know...
View Articlebeolion on "What do I need to do to start on my blog?"
I cant start a blog and I want to know what I need to do.
View Articlekohinata21 on "How to add advertisment in the sidebar?"
this is my blog how can i add advertisement section into the sidebar? anyone?
View Articlemonashcollege on "Font help for Structure Theme"
Hi, I just changed my theme to Structure Theme and apparently, the font is quite small. Can anybody tell me how to change the font to look like : Thank you
View Articlesandyuna on "How do I make my website to be known?"
Hi! Everyone! Who tell me that how can I make friends on wordpress and how to make people know about my website? How should I do?Do you tell me? Thanks !
View Articlesandyuna on "Can we be friends on WordPress?"
Hello,everyone! I am a newcomer .There are so many rules that I don't know ,Kindly give us your advice, please ! If you are free ,you can go to my online store to have a look ! Maybe you will get a big...
View Article> IMPORT TAB"">testipadvocate on "CANT FIND MANAGE >> IMPORT TAB"
In my admin page , the import LIvejournal page opens for me but it is for importing the LJ comments via the API where we need to put username & password. The issue is that my LJ is 10 years old...
View Articleulloi129 on "Can't post"
Strange things happan right now, I can't post or edit articles, the system tells me that the "Post published. View post", but the article is just not there. The same goes for edits (they aren't...
View Articledrogadosantiago on "Moving wordpress blog to my own host (domain and export...
Hi guys. I will just C/P an e-mail sended to wp support. Hope you can help me. ________________________________________________________________ I did: enjoyed but have to move ;) I saw: a lot of...
View Articleraincoaster on "Admin Bar Glitchy"
Is anyone else experiencing this? the admin bar was working fine up till today, when suddenly it became fussy. I can hover, but nothing drops down, or if it does, I can't click on it. If you go to the...
View Articlerobinoz on "Interested in Crime, Australian Crimes and Criminals?"
Well if you are maybe you will be interested in my blog I started a few months ago. I have a keen interest in true crime, following all the latest news, cases, proceedings, as well as books and films....
View Articlestonehead on "Leading a simpler, rural life on a Scottish croft"
Musings and observations from an ex-pat Australian living and working on a largely self-sufficient croft in Scotland. With additional insights from the pigs, the poultry and the dog.
View Articlejoedumont on "I've broken my theme and want to re-set it! (Greyzed)"
Newbie. Foolishly tried to modify CSS of Greyzed, it didn't work, and now can't re-set the Greyzed theme back to the way it was. I created a couple of menus and pages and they're now invisible. This is...
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